Policies & Bylaws
The Red Deer Lions Speed Skating Club is a registered non-profit in the province of Alberta. Our Bylaws were updated and registered in 2023. The Board of Directors sets policies for the Club and updates these regularly in our Policy Manual and Club Handbook.
Key Policies
Below are some key policies - please refer to the Club Manual for all Policies.
Coaching Philosophy
No skater wins every race -- but they can try their best every time. The goal of the Club is to help skaters improve and learn skills that will serve them for life. It is the Coach’s responsibility to create a coaching plan to support skaters based on their goals and abilities. It is the Skater's responsibility to show up for practice, on time, with all equipment, ready to listen, engage, and have fun! Communication between parents and coaches is very important. We all want to do what is best for the skater.
True Sport
We like to think that our sport, and our Club, upholds high standards of sportsmanship. To help facilitate improvement, we want to inform members of those principles to which we strive to adhere - Principles of Fair Play and Commitment to True Sport Principles.
Practice Safety
Speed Skating is a fun and fast sport - we take safety seriously! Practice Protocols help keep all skaters and coaches safe on the ice. All Parents and Officials are strongly encouraged to complete the free Concussion Safety Module in Coaches’ Locker or through the Speed Skating Alberta website’s section on Concussions: https://www.albertaspeedskating.ca/safe-sport/concussions (with information specific to parents/caregivers and to skaters) and the Concussion Awareness Training Tool: https://cattonline.com/ (also with parent/caregiver modules and athlete modules). ​
We do everything possible to keep our sport affordable. Skates are included in program registration and are traded in when a new size is needed. Racing and Practice Skins are included in program registration as well. Speed Skating is eligible for Jump Start Funding.